This is the third and last book about Mia and Korum and what a wonderful end to it too.
Mia has grown so much in this series, she has bloomed from a shy uncertain virgin to a strong female that knows how to get her way. In this last book she really comes into her own and takes charge of things around her and her life and relationship with Korum. The wishy washy girl is banished for good. I absolutely loved it.
Korum what can I say. My relationship with him during the books has not been a good one, to say I would love to hit him over the head with my iron skillet would be pretty accurate if I also could do it repeatedly. He has been controlling, forcing himself on Mia and over all nasty. But in this book he redeems himself. The Korum PVO we get in this book is awesome, applause to the author for doing it. It clears up so much and to understand his side off things is wonderful. I absolutely loved that he was ashamed off his early behavior that make the book for me it really did.
I absolutely love this world Anna Zaires has made for us in the K books. I am a super huge fan of all the geniuses inventions that are in the books and there were even more nice tidbits off them in this one. I am in awe of the authors mind that has come up with all this stuff it is brilliant. This book also took us to the K home world and what a beautiful world it was. I could just picture it in my mind as the writer painted it for me. The end of the book was truly awesome and it was pretty much perfect end to Mia and Korums story.

I think this quote sums it up nicely:
“He's not going to flip out again, is he?" Jessie sounded scared.
"What? No, of course not," Mia said automatically.
"Uh-huh," Jessie said doubtfully.
"He won’t," Mia said with confidence, looking directly at Korum. She knew perfectly well that he could hear her.
He stared back at her. His eyes still had those dangerous golden flecks in them, but one corner of his mouth tilted up, a ghost of a smile stealing across his face. Mia continued looking at him, her own eyes narrowed, and the smile became a full-blown grin, transforming his features from merely gorgeous to out-of-this-world sexy. Then he turned away and continued speaking to Edgar, as though nothing had happened.
"Holy shit," Jessie breathed her eyes huge. "You did it! Mia, you f***ing did it..."
"Did what?"
"You tamed a K.”
― Anna Zaires, Close Remembrance
I am looking forward to reading more about this universe, it will be with new people and hopefully they will be just as captivating.

I absolutely loved this book and am giving it 5 stars.
I was given an ARC of this book by the author for an honest review.