New Adult Paranormal Shifter Series.

Winter's Dawn starts a new paranormal shifter world like no other. The universe it is set in it totally unique and the mythical laws are different and intriguing. It starts when the main characters Max is 3 years old and his Mate Susan is born, we step into the story right before the birth happens. I find it a bit icky at first when I found out they are all related to each other but I get into it after a while when I get into the mythical laws in this world.
I love the first half of the book when you watch them grow up, I absolutely love the hair care routine. I wish that was something my mate could do for me every day, would be so nice. A little grooming like the apes does.
While we watch them grow it was a very sweet way to really get to know the characters. Completely and totally know them since you followed them for such a long period of time. You also get eased into the mystical laws and rules in this society in a very nice and different way.
You follow the story in Max head. This was a bit different for me since I usually read book from a woman’s POV. I really like Max and I grew to care a lot for him in this book, he is a very well written character and I felt his pain in my bones. And this is also the problem for me. When you write a main character I start to love like this and he goes from one misery to another and then leaves him unhappy and alone, I just can’t do it. I would have bought this story hole heartedly if I got a fairly decent ending, but I didn’t get that.
There was a shift in the book halfway through that just rubbed me the wrong way, I would say this is like PNR without the romance. Max is destined to be with his mate Susan and they share the same soul. Then you just can’t make him fall in love with another woman and then force him into a life he doesn’t want. I felt his pain on every page and I wanted to scream in agony with him. It gets worse and worse the more I read and ends with forcing him into his worst nightmare. I am not a fan of forcing people into life’s and things they don’t want and I especially don’t like forcing them to live the rest of their lives in misery. Since in this scenario they can live for hundreds of years without aging it is a long time to be real unhappy too.
Overall the book was very well written, I have read Kele Moon before and loved it. This book was there for a bit disappointing. I don’t like the story line here, I don’t ask much in a book but I do not like when a cherished character is forced into thing he doesn’t want and then left unhappy in the next couple hundred years to come. I did like the world the author made up here, it is interesting and unique.
I give this book 3 stars.
Book provided by DreamFactory Press trough NetGalley for an honest review